Lady Diana Favourite Place, Mata Jitu Waterfall !

Buat kalian yang suka wisata alam, kita mau rekomendasiin air terjun yang keren banget yang tersembunyi di balik Hutan Pulau Moyo, Kabupaten Sumbawa, Nusa Tenggara Barat. Ngga percaya? Buktinya nih Lady Diana, musisi Mick Jagger, mantan kiper Manchester United Edwin Van Der Sar, dan petenis cantik Maria Sharapova sampai jatuh hati ! matajitu1

Pemandangan asri lengkap dengan pepohonan hijau alami membuat Air Terjun Mata Jitu menjadi primadona di Pulau Moyo. Air terjun yang telah menjadi bagian cagar alam Indonesia ini konon telah terbentuk jutaan tahun lalu. Perpaduan air terjun yang berwarna hijau tua dan muda seakan-akan menghipnotis kalian untuk menceburkan diri dan bermain air di dalam air terjun ini.

Air Terjun Mata Jitu memiliki empat undak dan tujuh kolam. Oleh penduduk setempat, “mata jitu” diartikan sebagai mata air yang jatuhnya tepat mengenai kolam di bawahnya.
Nah, untuk ke Air Terjun Mata Jitu, kalian bisa menyewa perahu nelayan dari Desa Ai Bari di Sumbawa. Dengan waktu tempuh 2 jam perjalanan, tapi kalian ga perlu khawatir bosan karena selama perjalanan kalian akan disuguhi pemandangan Pulau Moyo yang mempesona.
Sesampainya di Desa Ai Bari, perjalanan dilanjutkan dengan menggunakan ojek motor selama 20 menit atau berjalan kaki selama 1,5 jam. Selama perjalanan menuju air terjun, kita akan disuguhi pemandangan savana dan perbukitan yang indah.

Keindahan air terjun berundak-undak ini tidak hanya pada air yang turun dari atas. Bebatuan yang telah terbentuk sejak ribuan tahun lalu juga dapat disaksikan di sini. Stalaktit-stalagmit yang menghiasi permukaan dinding Air Terjun Mata Jitu menambah indah pemandangan yang tersaji. Bentuk stalaktit dan stalagmit yang beragam juga menjadi daya tarik tersendiri bagi siapapun yang melihatnya.

Penasaran? Tunggu apa lagi, yuk jadikan Air Terjun mata Jitu sebagai tujuan wisata kalian selanjutnya ! 🙂

10 Tempat Wisata Paling Spektakuler di Yunani :  

  1. Santorini
Pemandangan Sunset di Pulau Santorini

Santorini adalah tempat wisata di Yunani yang berupa sebuah pulau vulkanik dalam kelompok Cyclades pulau-pulau Yunani. Tempat ini terkenal dengan pemandangannya yang fantastis, matahari terbenam yang menakjubkan, rumah-rumah putih yang sering dicuci. Fira adalah ibukota Santorini, dan tempat ini adalah perkawinan arsitektur Venesia dan Cycladic. Santorini memiliki jalanan batu putih, hiruk pikuk pengunjung yang membeli souvenir di toko-toko, serta hotel dan kafe. Yang paling menakjubkan dari tempat ini adalah lokasinya yang menempel di tepi tebing setinggi 400 meter (1.300 kaki).

  1. Mykonos
Kota Dengan Bangunan Berwarna Putih

Mykonos populer sebagai objek wisata kosmopolitan di antara pulau-pulau Yunani dan diakui secara luas sebagai salah satu tempat wisata di Yunani yang terbaik. Kota Mykonos (Chora) adalah sebuah kota putih yang memukau indah dengan jalan-jalan kecil dan bercat putih di berbagai jalur jalanannya. Tempat ini juga terkenal dengan pantai berpasirnya dan kehidupan malam yang beragam dan intens seperti yang bisa Anda lihat di berbagai bar dan klub malam.

  1. Teater Kuno Delphi
Teater Kuno di Atas Bukit

Pada zaman kuno, Delphi adalah rumah bagi tempat suci dan oracle Apollo di agama Yunani. Teater kuno Delphi dibangun di atas bukit, yang memberikan penonton pandangan keseluruh tempat suci dan pemandangan spektakuler di bawahnya. Tempat wisata di Yunani ini pada awalnya dibangun hanya dengan 4 kursi, dan bisa menampung hingga 5.000 penonton. Sekarang tempat ini adalah salah satu tempat wisata utama di Yunani.

  1. Gunung Athos
Biara di Tebing Gunung Athos

Gunung Athos adalah pegunungan dan semenanjung di utara Yunani. Semenanjung  paling timur terdapat bangunan besar, dan menjadi rumah untuk sekitar 1.400 biarawan di biara-biara Ortodoks Timur. Tempat ini termasuk negara otonom di bawah kedaulatan Yunani, wisatawan yang masuk ke Gunung Athos dikontrol secara ketat, dan hanya laki-laki yang diperbolehkan masuk untuk berkunjung ke salah satu tempat wisata di Yunani ini.




  1. Lindos
Desa Lindos di Pulau Rhodes

Lindos adalah sebuah desa dari abad pertengahan di pulau Rhodes yang terdiri dari berbagai jalan-jalan di tengah rumah yang bercat putih. Dari atas Acropolis dikota Lindos, menawarkan pemandangan pelabuhan dan pantai disekitarnya. Pantai Lindos dan pantai Saint Pauls hanya berjarak dekat dari pusat kota. Tempat wisata di Yunani ini sangat populer dan sangat banyak dikunjungi wisatawan setiap tahunnya.
6. Kuil Parthenon

Kuil Parthenon di Yunani

Kuil Parthenon berada di atas Acropolis, dan salah satu tempat wisata di Yunani yang paling terkenal, dan kunjungan ke Athena tidak akan lengkap tanpa mengunjungi kuil ini. Pembangunan kuil Parthenon dimulai pada 447 SM, untuk mengganti kuil tua yang dihancurkan oleh Persia. Selama sejarah panjangnya, kuil Parthenon telah dijadikan sebagai sebuah kuil, benteng, gereja, masjid di berbagai periode yang berbeda.
7. Pantai Myrtos

Pantai Terbaik di Yunani

Terletak di utara-barat dari Kefalonia, pantai Myrtos adalah tempat wisata di Yunani yang populer karena warna magis airnya. Warna biru dan pirus kontras tajam dengan laut putih yang terang, serta kerikil marmer yang ada di sepanjang pantai ini. Gunung-gunung curam dan tebing tinggi di belakang pantai Myrtos kian menambah keindahan pantai ini. Untuk semua keindahannya ini,Myrtos sebelumnya telah 12 kali mendapat penghargaan sebagai pantai terbaik di Yunani.

  1. Meteora
Biara di Atas Pilar Bukit

Meteora (melayang di udara) berada di pusat Yunani yang merupakan kumpulan enam biara menakjubkan yang terletak di atas beberapa pilar batu. Biara pertama di Meteora dibangun pada abad ke-14. Akses ke biara-biara itu sengaja sulit, karena membutuhkan tangga panjang atau jaring besar yang digunakan untuk mengangkut barang dan orang. Tempat wisata di Yunani ini sangat menakjubkan, apalagi jika Anda menyaksikan pemandangan dari atas biara-biara ini.
9. Lembah Samaria

Lembah Samaria di Crete, Yunani

Salah satu tempat wisata di Yunani, yaitu Samaria Gorge adalah lembah dengan panjang 16 km (10 mil) ke barat daya di Crete. Berjalan menyusuri lembah Samaria sangat populer dilakukan, dan lebih dari seperempat juta wisatawan melakukannya setiap tahun, dan ini akan menjadi pengalaman besar dalam hidup Anda. Berjalan menyusuri lembah selama  4 sampai 7 jam dan melewati hutan cemara dan pinus kuno, kemudian memotong antara tebing vertikal melalui pegunungan, lalu muncul di Agia Roumeli di laut Libya.
10. Mystras

Bangunan Tua di Kota Kuno Mystras

Terletak di dekat Sparta kuno, Mystras adalah ibukota Peloponnesus di abad 14 dan 15, yang diperintah oleh keluarga kaisar Bizantium. Situs ini tetap dihuni selama periode Ottoman, tapi tempat wisata di Yunani itu kemudian ditinggalkan pada tahun 1832, dan hanya menyisakan reruntuhan abad pertengahan, dan sekarang telah menjadi tempat wisata yang populer di Yunani.

Kemaro Island, Palembang!

All about Kemaro Island

2014-09-30 15.05.02

Where is it?

Kemaro Island is located in Palembang, South Sumatra. Kemaro Island, is a little on the Musi River Delta, located about 6 km from the Ampera Bridge. Kemaro island located in the industrial area, which is in between Sriwijaya Fertilizer Plant and Pertamina Plaju and Gerong River. Kemaro Island is a recreation area in the River Musi headliner In this place there is a Chinese temple (temple Hok Tjing Rio).

How to go there ?

To go to Palembang, you can take a flight to Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II International Airport, which is located on Tanjung Api-Api Street.  This airport is accessible from many countries such as Malaysia, Singapore, China, and Thailand. The distance between the airport and the Musi River is about 6 km.  You can take a taxi or rented car from the airport.

In the City Center, there are nine means of public transportation including seven city buses from various destinations that can take you to Ampera at a cost of only Rp1,500 to Rp5,000 (15 to 50 cents US). From the Musi River, you can take a boat or rent a speed boat locally known as a Ketek. It will take about 30 minutes from the Ampera Bridge at a cost of Rp50,000- Rp70,000 (5 to 7 US Dollars).You can also go there with Musi River Cruise.

What the legend of Kemaro Island ?

There is a legend about Kamaro, which has a number of versions. According to one version, the island is evidence and symbol of the love and loyalty of Princess Siti Fatimah, daughter of the King of Srivijaya, towards a Chinese prince called Tan Bun An.

In the 14th century, so the legend goes, Prince Tan Bun An arrived in Palembang to study. After living here for some time, he fell in love with princess Siti Fatimah.  He came to the palace to ask the king for her hand in marriage. The king and queen gave their approval on one condition, that Tan Bun An must present a gift.

Tan Bun An then sent a messenger back to China to ask his father for such a gift to be presented to the King of Srivijaya. When the messenger returned with pots of preserved vegetables and fruits, Tan Bun An was surprised and enraged because he had asked his father to send Chinese jars, ceramics and gold.

In his anger he threw the ships cargo into the Musi River, unaware that his father had placed gold bars inside the fruits and vegetables.  Ashamed after finding out his mistake, he tried to recover what he had thrown into the river.  Tan Bun An, however, never returned as he drowned with the precious cargo.

When Siti Fatimah heard about the tragedy, the Princess ran to the river and drowned herself to follow her lover, but not before leaving a message saying; “If you see a tree grow on a piece of land where I drown, it will be the tree of our true love “.

At the place where the princess drowned, a piece of land appeared on the surface of the river. The locals believe that this new island is the couple’s tomb and therefore, they call it “Kamarau Island” which means that despite high tides in the Musi River, this island will always remain dry.

The local ethnic Chinese believe that their ancestor, Tan Bun An, lives on this island.  As a result, the island is always crowded during Chinese New Year.

Today, a magnificent Chinese temple, the Hok Cing Bio, stands here. Built in 1962, it attracts many devotees. On special occasions, especially on what the Hokkien call the ‘Cap Go Meh’  Celebrations, the island is packed with locals and visitors coming from Palembang and overseas. There is something magical about Kamaro island. Witnessing the crowds on this particular occasion is an attraction by itself.

To reach the island , cross the river for free as everything will have been arranged by the Chinese community here. There are tongkangs, small boats called ketek, speedboats, and dragon boats. Find your own spot in a crowded tongkang then walk along the walkways to locate the graves of the legendary Tan Bun An and Siti Fatimah, or watch Chinese opera on the island. There is also a show of Barongsai, and local Chinese bands. The event starts in the morning and lasts until midnight. Naturally, with the flood of visitor to the island, food vendors, and those selling drinks, souvenirs, religious accessories, and even clothes, secure their own spaces too to do what they do best: selling.

The vivid red and golden colors, the burning incense, and the excitement around will make this a day of utter excitement. Wealth is in abundance during the event. To see it, just come here a couple of days before the actual activities begin. Cap Go Meh is an event both for the Chinese and everyone else who wishes to participate in these celebrations.

Why its called Kemaro Island ?

Kemaro name was taken because this island has never flood, although the Musi River overflood.

The most attractive destination at Kemaro island is the nine stories Pagoda that located in the middle of the island. The building was newly constructed in 2006. Moreover, there is a tree that popularly said as Pohon Cinta or Tree of Love. This tree was a symbol of the ancient love between Siti Fatimah, a Srivijaya princess and Prince Tan Bun An, a prince from China. It said that those couple were carve their names into the tree and the finally live happily in their marriage. Hence, since the urban legend came up, Kemaro island became famous as Pulau Jodoh or Mate Island.

Liburan hemat? Kenapa nggak? :D

Liburan ngga selalu identik dengan kata mahal loh guys. Yang penting kita bisa menikmati liburan itu sama orang-orang terdekat kita. Kalau kita bisa menikmatinya, dijamin kita bakal seneng deh. Dan semua kepenatan kita selama menjalani aktivitas sehari-hari akan hilang.

Apa aja sih yang harus kita lakukan supaya liburan kita seruu?

  1. Harus kepo

Nah sebelum kita berangkat untuk liburan,  kita harus kepo sama tempat wisata yang mau kita kunjungi. Soalnya kebanyakan dari kita pasti pernah mengalami kebingungan saat tiba di tempat tujuan. Jangan sampai hal ini terjadi yaa. Kita bisa cari banyak informasi dari internet. Nah dari situ kita bisa tahu apakah ada diskon untuk hotel dan tiket pesawat. Atau mencari tempat wisata yang terjangkau, seperti wisata alam.

  1. Bawa uang

Walaupun kita mau berhemat tapi jangansampai kehabisan uang waktu liburan ya guys biar kalian ngga bingung. Tentu saja uangnya bukan untuk dibelanjakan semua yaa. Kalian tetap harus bisa mengawasi pengeluaran kalian dan bertanggung jawab atas uang tersebut.

  1. Bukan musim liburan

Biaya perjalanan akan lebih murah jika pergi di saat bukan musim liburan. Selain itu, kalian akan lebih nyaman dan dapat menikmati acara liburan kalian. Karena saat musim liburan pasti akan ada banyak orang yang memenuhi tempat-tempat wisata.

  1. Cari layanan gratis

Selain mencari hotel yang bagus, lihat juga tarif kamarnya, siapa tahu ada penawaran khusus.  Seperti menginap dua malam, akan mendapat gratis satu malam. Atau layanan spa gratis bagi yang sudah memesan kamar. Dipastikan liburan Anda akan jauh lebih menarik.

  1. Cermat memilih

Pilihlah tempat wisata yang benar-benar unik, bagus, dan ada ciri khasnya. Jangan sampai Anda pergi ke tempat yang tidak menarik, kurang diminati orang, dan biayanya mahal. Bisa-bisa kalian tidak menikmati, tapi malah kecewa.

Nah, udah tau kan guys liburan itu ngga perlu terlalu memaksakan diri, seperti misalnya ke luar negeri. Sebenernya banyak kok tempat-tempat di Indonesia yang mengagumkan dan tak kalah menarik dengan liburan di luar negeri. Atau malah liburan di daerah tempat tinggal kalian J

Go Travel to SEOUL!! South Korea!!!!

As many of you know about Korea, the first thing that comes up on your mind must be KPOP!!! HAHAHA as you know KPOP is all over the world now. But I won’t be talking about KPOP only! I’m going to talk about all the things you could do in Seoul! I’m gonna start with the things that you could only do in Seoul, which is :

  1. Eat a Korean Traditional dessert at one of the world best hotel, the traditional desert is called Patbingsoo, and it is a very popular dessert in South Korea in the summer time.
  2. Attend the largest church in the world. By attending this church you can get a strong part of Korean Culture, but we have to be there like at least one hour before it started, cause you can see even if it’s the largest church, still many people came, so be sure to attend it earlier, so you can get a place for you to seat. Otherwise you can only just watch it through public television.
  3. Do Gangnam Style in the Gangnam District
  4. Stay in a Korean Traditional house in the backdrop of the ancient Korean capital . If you venture outside of Seoul during your time in Korea (as you should), Gyeongju is the place to go. Korea used to be divided into three major kingdoms (Silla, Baekje, and Goguryeo) until the Silla kingdom conquered the other kingdoms and made Gyeongju the capital. Gyeongju remained the capital of this region for approximately 1000 years, leading to the creation of a number of archaeological treasures that are well worth your time.When visiting Gyeongju, there is no better place to stay than Sarangchae. It is conveniently located a 5 minute walk from a beautiful royal tomb park and also nearby Cheomseongdae, the oldest observatory in Asia, which has impressive stonework (imagine a Coca-Cola shaped stone bottle). Amidst the scenery of ancient Korean kings, try your hand at sleeping on the floor of an ancient traditional Korean house just like Koreans did back in the day. Share the experience with others by listening through the paper thin walls or better yet, by meeting them in the courtyard where you can share stories over a night time campfire.
  5. Visit the only Kimchi museum in the world. Where else in the world will you be able to go to a museum solely dedicated to the Korean staple, kimchi? This is a foodie’s dream. Kimchi, or seasoned fermented vegetables, is at the heart of Korean culture and its food and is usually eaten with every meal. Few people also know that there is not only 1 type of kimchi but 187 different documented types, ranging from kimchi of different ripeness levels to water kimchi, cucumber kimchi, and radish kimchi varieties. In addition, it is not uncommon for Korean households to have refrigerators solely dedicated for the storage of kimchi.Here, you can taste 7-8 different types of kimchi, view bacteria found in kimchi under a microscope and even learn how to make kimchi in the education room. Also, don’t forget to learn about the scientific research showing the health benefits of kimchi, from which Koreans attribute their health and safety levels from the 2003 SARS outbreak.Located on the B2 level of the Coex mall, the museum can be a little difficult to find. It is small but a great place to try different types of kimchi and not feel ignorant!
  6. Mud wrestler while enhancing your skin
  7. Declare everlasting love from Seoul’s most scenic point. If you have ever seen a Korean soap opera before, you know that Koreans are extremely sentimental. It is also no surprise that a pilgrimage of love to go to Seoul’s Namsan Tower gained popularity due to the actions of two television stars. In order to declare everlasting love, the couple wrote a message on a lock, attached it to the fence on Namsan Tower and threw away the key. Now, you can not only see thousands and thousands of locks and love messages here, but you can also create your own. Feel free to purchase your lock or phone case ahead of time or buy them at the gift shop upon arrival.You can even see small trees that consist entirely of love locks. Try to read a few of the messages to see promises fulfilled (unfulfilled) and to remind yourself of young love. You can’t help but wonder what happened to the future of all these couples. Solidify your love or make a declaration for a future love.
  8. Eat Korean street food with drunk locals under a packed tent at 4am
  9. Eat the trendiest food in Seoul in the food court of one of the most luxurious department stores

Bangka Island, consider it as your next place to visit!

As maybe some of you don’t know where Bangka Island is, i will try to write short description about my beautiful worth to visit place.

Sejarah Pulau Bangka

Bangka is a small island located near South Sumatra. We can easily reach by taking an airplane from Jakarta Airport (CGK) to Pangkalpinang (PKP) for only 1 hour. I am not suggesting you to go by ship because it may take a few days.

Once you arrive at Depati Amir airport in Pangkalpinang, you’ll be greet by HOT….. weather -_- i mean it. The hot weather from the beach and also tin mine there. Some of the irresponsible people digging to find the tin then left it like that, so it become really ugly 😦       182648_10150118095789025_786634024_6222170_566086_n

About the tin, Bangka is the biggest place that produce it. There’s also a museum special to record the history of tin in Bangka called Museum Timah Indonesia (Tin Museum Indonesia), which is also the one and only in ASEAN.

.Museum Timah Indonesia, Pangkapinang-Bangka

The Beaches in Bangka famous of the big stone, the white sand, and clear water. But it still very quiet, because it’s lack of promotion, lack of local people knowledge, and less of government attention to built the good infrastructure.

Here’s some of the beautiful beaches:


Batu Bedaon Beach. Batu Bedaon means rock with tree. As we can see, the tree grow beautifully above the rock, which is make it unique and a cool place to go to.


Matras beach. You can see the unusual and unique huge rocks here. There’s also a river near the beach, make the tourist easily take a quick and fresh bath after playing on the sea. Really recommended!!


Penyusuk beach. Never been here before, because it’s quiet far from my place. But im sure it’s also a perfect place to visit and spend your summer holiday.


This one is quiet special. It’s Bedukang beach, as you can see in the center of the picture, there’s some spot. It’s an island. In normal day, people usually just come to visit and enjoy the beach view. But if you come on the Bakciang celebration day, you can also cross the sea to visit the island, and it’s incredibly amazing, because you get the opportunity to see the coral and all the pretty sea things! But don’t get too long, because the water will get back at mid day.


Parai beach. Maybe the most modern and known among the tourist. It’s not just a beach, but also a resort you can stay for a night, and an restaurant.

That’s it. Maybe some of it are not complete, because i don’t use any references except for the pictures 😉. This is based on what i’ve experienced. Still a lot of things to explore. Just come over, okay? I love this place, and i know you will too 🙂

Travelling Around The World!


What are you guys planning for the next holiday?

Travelling? Well done!

Where? Bali? Hawaii? New York? HongKong? Suriname?

It’s no problem where you wanna travel because everywhere has its own unique !

If you have opportunity, you should travel! Why?

World is like books, so do travelling, unless you just read one book.-Michael

Have you ever heard travelling make people feel re-live? I mean, travelling make people feels more alive, and even new!

If you have some badtime, everything seems wrong, the world doesn’t in your side, then, what are you waiting for? Go, make some random choice, and travel around the world!